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A Biblical worldview is a worldview behavior based upon God’s unchanging inspired Word.    II Timothy 3:15-17

BY Barry Borthistle, a Spiritual Entrepreneur with a Biblical Worldview

A Biblical worldview is a worldview behavior based upon God’s unchanging inspired Word.  II Timothy 3:15-17

Examples of worldviews (by Artanna)

Secular worldview: a secular worldview teaches that beliefs are a matter of personal preference, not absolute truth. Truth in a secular worldview comes from reason and science.

Scientific world (Scientific Naturalism):  our Biblical Worldview textbook defines a scientific world as , “A worldview which holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences (p. 307).”

Postmodern worldview: postmodernism believes there is no absolute truth.  Personal truth is determined by your upbringing and culture. It believes that truth is just used to suppress and oppress the less powerful.

Why is a Biblical worldview important?

A Biblical worldview is important because it is the only true worldview.  If we reject God’s Word, we fail to see the world as it really is.  Think of a worldview as a pair of glasses.  If you have broken or discoloured lenses or the wrong prescription, you won’t see the world correctly.  A Biblical worldview shows you the world as its Creator intended.  We’d love to be able to see the world with perfect vision, but because of sin, our view is distorted. Using a Biblical worldview corrects our vision and helps us see the world through the theme of God’s redemption.

How to determine your worldview:

Your beliefs, actions, and perspective of the world all define your worldview.  Here are a few questions to ask when defining your view of the world:

What are your basic beliefs?

These are what we call the head and heart system. Your worldview affects how you think about things.  Why do you think murder is wrong”?  Why is kindness important? What happens after this life?  Your worldview is what determines your answers to these questions.

A worldview is not simply intellectual – it also influences your feelings and desires. What do you love?  What are you passionate about?  Our heart can tell us a lot about our worldview.  But the heart or emotions can make a worldview inconsistent, wrong and sometimes evil.

What is the big story of the world?

A person’s worldview also determines how they interpret past, present and future.  A worldview tells the story of where we came from, why we’re here and where we’re going.  This master story can also be called a meta-narrative.  How we tell stories is important and how we view the big story of the world determines what stories we value and most importantly, the stories we tell our children.

"A Gospel that does not deal with the issues of the day is not a Gospel at all.”   ~~ Martin Luther

“The Christian belief system (worldview) which the Christian knows to be grounded in divine revelation is relevant to all of life.”  ~~ Carl F. H. Henry


Any objective social analyst would conclude that the United States and Canada and the globe, faces its fair share of moral and spiritual problems.  A new research study from Barna Group suggests that a larger share of the nation’s moral and spiritual challenges is directly attributable to the absence of a Biblical worldview.

Citing the findings from a just-completed national survey of 2033 adults that showed only 4% of adults have a biblical worldview as the basis of their decision-making, researcher George Barna described the outcome. “If Jesus Christ came to this planet as a model of how we ought to live, then our goal should be to act like Jesus.  Sadly, few people consistently demonstrate the love, obedience and priorities of Jesus,  the primary reason that people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus.  Behavior stems from what we think – our attitudes, beliefs and values.

Among the most prevalent alternative worldviews was postmodernism, which seemed to be the dominant perspective among the two youngest generations (i.e. the Busters and Mosaics).

Barna Research:

  • Only 9% of Christians have a Biblical worldview.
  • Only 2% of parents are teaching their children a Biblical worldview
  • Only 37% of pastors have a Biblical worldview
  • Only 10% of youth pastors have a Biblical worldview.

“The Bible has all the answers to all of our problems if we would only read and obey”.  ~~  President Ronald Reagan

Barry Borthistle has written three books, all from a perspective of ‘how to live with a Biblical worldview’.

  1. “Your Body is God’s Temple” – I Cor. 3:16,17
  2. “Spiritual Authority” - that Jesus Christ gave to us with the keys = competent authority;  Matt. 16:18,19
  3. “33 Things the Holy Spirit Wants for You”, as God’s Temple - Acts 1:7,8

All available at

Articles that Barry has written on the subject of the Vital Importance of a Biblical Worldview, as a basis to make the correct decisions in life.

  • A Biblical Worldview will have a Positive Effect on your Life
  • Our Behavior will follow our Biblical worldview
  • The Vital Importance of a Biblical Worldview of End Times
  • The Biblical worldview of the Word of God.


When a person has a Biblical worldview to guide life when making decisions including:

  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • How to handle trials
  • Finances - There are well over 2000 verses about money plus 40% of the parables of Jesus were about money.
  • Prophecy – the Bible is about 30% prophetic, telling us what the future looks like and how we should live until Jesus returns.
  • Forgiveness – the key to living the Biblical worldview is the power to forgive because you cannot move forward if you do not.  Jesus said if we do not forgive, He cannot forgive us.  Matthew 6:13-15

Remember…  Your body is God’s Temple 

By Camille Gibb 17 May, 2024
Twenty four things you should know!
By Camille Gibb 17 May, 2024
--Barry Borthistle, September 2016 1. Israel was God’s idea and He chose the borders and the leader, Abraham and promised a great nation. He promised those whom blessed Israel would be blessed and those who cursed Israel would be cursed. Gen. 12:1-3 Paul confirms this promise that the blessing of Abraham would fall upon the Gentiles through the power of the Holy Spirit. Gal. 3:13-16 2. God is a God of love but also a God of judgment and a great example is found in Ex. 4:22-23 where Gold says Israel is God’s firstborn. He instructs Moses to tell Pharaoh to let Israel go or He will slay their firstborn, which He did. However, others who were not Jewish also must have applied the blood to the doorpost because Ezek. 12:38 tells us a mixed multitude went with them. 3. Israel is mentioned 3000 plus times in the Word of God and Jerusalem is mentioned 800 plus times. 4. When Zion (Israel) is built up, the Lord will appear in His glory – Second Coming; Psalm 102:12-24; Matt.16:27-28; II Thess. 1:7-10; I Cor. 15:51-52 - which is a mystery to the unbelievers or the United Nations. 5. God chose the boundaries of Israel and not the U.N. Num. 34 6. There are only two things that God considers to be the apple (pupil) of His eye: His Word, Prov. 7:2 and Israel – Zech 2:8,9 Human vision is the ability to see and to know where we are going. So is the Word of God and our support of Israel. 7. Did you know that the Prophet Ezekiel actually named the countries that would attack Israel in the last days… about 2500 years ago? Ezekiel chapters 36 to 47. 8. Did you know that the first thing God told us to bless is Israel? Gen. 12:1-3 Up until this time God had done all the blessing. 9. Did you know that there are at least six Biblical reasons why Israel cannot give up land for peace? 10. Did you know that there are at least seven Bible reasons on why we should support and pray for Israel? 11. Did you know that Mein-Kamph (the Hitler Bible) is once again a top seller in Germany? 12. Did you that the I.D.F. is one of the top military forces in the world and with only a population of about 8 million and probably has the nuclear bomb? The Bible indicates there will be a nuclear explosion someday…. Which is known as The DAY OF THE LORD; Zech 14:12-15; II Peter 3:10-13 13. FOR NEARLY 2000 YEARS THE Jewish people were scattered to around 60 – 70 countries around the world and the Hebrew language disappeared. However, Zephaniah 3:9 clearly states that a pure (chosen) language, which is Hebrew will be restored. 14. Moses's final blessing on Israel before he died (Deuteronomy 33) was very extensive. The promise of sucking the abundance of the seas and the treasure in the sand. Seas = gas; sand = oil Today it is reported that Israel is about to become an exporter of both oil and gas. Some experts suggest that Israel may have the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world next to Saudi Arabia. Other blessings include grain and wine; verse 28 15. Amos closes out the book in Chapter 9:13-15 by saying that in the last days Israel will return to the land and plant vineyards. In 1981 there were 2 vineyards; today there are 300-plus vineyards. 16. It has been calculated apparently that Abraham was born 1,948 years after Adam. Israel became a nation in 1948… after Jesus was born. May 14, 1948, in one day in Isaiah 66:7-11, WHICH WAS ALSO PASSOVER and the first Prime Minister of Israel read the Constitution in 18 minutes… 18 in Hebrew means LIFE. 17. Did you know that the Star of Bethlehem reappeared for the first time in 2000 years, as reported on CNN? The planets of Jupiter and Venus were dancing in the sky on June 30, 2015. It was reported as a superstar and was called “the Star of Bethlehem." Question: do you think God is trying to tell us something? 18. On May 15, 1948, one day after becoming a nation, Israel was attracted by several Arab nations and were outnumbered about 200 to 1. The Arab countries had a massive array of planes and tanks and Israel had 2 or 3 planes and a couple of tanks. Israel won! WestPoint Military Academy will not teach about wars that Israel has won because there is no military strategy. “I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you” Gen. 12:1-3 SHALOM

God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain. But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. 

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it: 

The essence of life.

~ Barry ~

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